Open Bible Workshop - February 10
Pastor Rich will be hosting an Open Bible Workshop on baptism on Friday, February 10, from 6-8 pm in the Multipurpose Room.

Radix Retreat - February 24-26
King of Glory’s Student Ministries is planning a fun weekend retreat with two other churches for our middle school and high school students February 24-26 at Inspiration Hills in Inwood, Iowa.

Family Tubing Night - February 15
All families with children in Preschool-5th grade are invited to join us for some King’s Kids Family Tubing on Wednesday, February 15, from 4-8 pm for tubing fellowship at Great Bear Ski Valley.

KOG Annual Meeting - January 29
King of Glory will hold its annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 29, at 6:30 pm.

RESGEN Men’s Summit - February 4
The RESGEN Men's Summit will be held on Saturday, February 4, from 8 am - 1 pm at Central Church (3102 Ralph Rogers Road).

KOG Orientation Class - January 22
A King of Glory orientation class has been scheduled for Sunday, January 22, at 10:45 a.m., following the Sunday worship service.

Dads & Donuts - January 14
Dads, you donut want to miss this wonderful fellowship opportunity. This month’s “Dads and Donuts” event is scheduled for Saturday, January 14, from 8:30-10:30 am at King of Glory.

Offering Envelopes
2023 offering envelopes are available upon request for those who desire to use them.

Feeding South Dakota - December 13
Feeding South Dakota will be having its mobile food distribution at King of Glory on Tuesday, December 13, from 5:15-6:30 pm.

KOG Christmas Party - December 11
The King of Glory Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 11, from 5-7:30 pm at the church. This event for individuals of all ages as we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Ladies Night Out - December 8
All women at King of Glory are invited to participate in a special Ladies Night Out, scheduled for Thursday, December 8, 6:30-8 p.m. The purpose of this event is to enjoy a meal and connect with six to eight other ladies from KOG.

Blessing Baskets: December 5
Individuals are needed to help pack blessing baskets for Children's Home Shelter for Family Safety (formerly Children’s Inn). This serving opportunity will take place at King of Glory on Monday, December 5, from 6-7:30 pm.

Feeding South Dakota - November 8
Feeding South Dakota will be having its mobile food distribution at King of Glory on Tuesday, November 8, from 5:15-6:30 pm.

King’s Kloset: October 17
You are invited to help prepare King's Kloset supplies for delivery. Volunteers will pack bags on Monday, October 17, from 6-7 pm.

Trunk or Treat - October 29
Families with children in preschool-5th grade are welcome to attend a King’s Kids Trunk or Treat Fall Party on Saturday, October 29, from 9-11:30 am at the Hackett household.

King’s Kids Corn Maze - October 23
Families with children in Preschool-5th grade can join us for a time of fun and fellowship at the King’s Kids Corn Maze event on Sunday, October 23, from 1-3 pm at The Heartland Corn Maze.

Feeding South Dakota - October 11
Feeding South Dakota will be having its mobile food distribution at King of Glory on Tuesday, October 11, from 5:15-6:30 pm.

Community Group Experience
King of Glory will offer a Community Group Experience for individuals who have never participated in a community group, who are looking to get reconnected to a community group or who would like to learn more about community groups at KOG on the five Sundays in October from 6:15-7:30 pm.