Year-End Campaign

We are praising the Lord for His continued provision. Our Annual Budget for 2022 is $391,000. Through November 30 we have received $398,536. Therefore, we can allocate every dollar given in December to special opportunities to shine God’s love around the world. We are having a special “Be A Light” campaign to finish the year. You can watch Pastor Rich share about the campaign at a recent worship service.

How will giving be allocated in December?

Planting Churches In Mongolia - It is estimated that only 2-3% of Mongolians are Christians. There are remote parts of the nation that do not have any churches. We will be supporting the work of the AMONG Foundation based out of Sioux Falls. They send teams into remote areas to plant churches and support them for their first three years.

Supporting Medical Care in Haiti - Haiti is experiencing serious unrest as gangs run a majority of the Country. We will be supporting the work of Mission Haiti while they seek to continue to provide medical care through their clinic even in the midst of unrest.

Supporting Orphanage & Jobs in Liberia - We have been honored to support Children’s Rescue International for many years and their orphanage along with a school. We will continue to support the orphanage but we will also be making a large gift to support an economic development opportunity. The goal is to establish long term job creation where children can receive vocational training and generational poverty cycles can be broken.

Providing Practical Necessities Through King’s Kloset in 2023 - King of Glory will continue to provide practical necessities such as adult diapers to seniors in our community who are struggling.

This is a special opportunity to be a light all around the world. CLICK HERE to make a gift online or send your offering to the Church office before December 31, 2022.


Dads & Donuts - January 14


Christmas Worship