Terry Redlin Elementary School

King of Glory Church has adopted Terry Redlin Elementary School to partner with the Administration to help meet the needs of  Terry Redlin Families as well as to Encourage and support the staff.

Volunteer Serving options include:

  • Mentoring Students - Mentoring a student can be done during lunch our or after school.  The time commitment is 40 minutes.  You spend time building relationships as well as things like reading together, playing games together, etc.  

  • Mobile Food Pantry volunteers - King of Glory works with another church and TR administration to provide a weekly food pantry on Tuesdays.  Families of TR pick up food items from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.  Volunteers are needed to serve from either 1:30-5:15 p.m. or 3:45-5:15 p.m. King of Glory serves weekly every other month during the school year.

  • Staff Encouragement Volunteers - Volunteers work with King of Glory’s volunteer leader to support staff through blessing them with food during conferences, treats, cards, etc. The leader works in coordination with the TR Administration to support what is best for the staff.

Sign Up to Serve at Terry Redlin

Complete the form below if you are interested in serving at Terry Redlin. A King of Glory staff member will contact you with additional information.