Easter Bible School - March 16
King of Glory will host an Easter Bible School on Saturday, March 16, from 9-11:30 am to share the good news of Easter. The event is for children age 3 thru 5th grade (must be potty trained).
Spring Cleaning Party - March 8
King of Glory will be hosting a Spring Cleaning Party on Friday, March 8, from 5:30-7:30 pm to get our facility clean and fresh for Spring.
IF: Gathering Event - February 23-24
The IF: Gathering is celebrating its 10th anniversary on Thursday and Friday, February 23-24, and King of Glory wants to encourage women to host a viewing event in their home.
First Communion Classes
Pastor Rich will lead First Communion classes during Lent on Wednesday, February 28, and Wednesday, March 20, from 7-8 pm at King of Glory.
Ash Wednesday Service - February 14
King of Glory will hold an Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, February 14, at 7 pm.
Feeding South Dakota - February 6
Feeding South Dakota will be having its mobile food distribution at King of Glory on Tuesday, February 6, from 5:15-6:30 pm.
Annual Meeting - January 28
King of Glory will hold its annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 28, at 6:30 pm.
Harbor Families Informational Meeting
There will be a special Harbor Families Informational Meeting on Sunday, January 21, at 10:30 am, immediately following the worship service, in the large classroom.
Community Groups Resume in January
Is your New Year's resolution to find a place to Belong and Learn? We have a place for you! Join a Community Group, which are King of Glory's main adult ministry.
Orientation Class and Lunch - January 28
A King of Glory orientation class has been scheduled for Sunday, January 28, at 10:45 a.m., following the Sunday worship service.
2024 Offering Envelopes
2024 offering envelopes are available upon request for those who desire to use them.
Year End Giving Opportunity
We are pleased to announce a special year end giving opportunity for the month of December. All gifts in December will go towards the following ministry focuses or mission partners.
Feeding South Dakota - January 2
Feeding South Dakota will be having its mobile food distribution at King of Glory on Tuesday, January 2, from 5:15-6:30 pm.
Christmas Cookie Potluck - December 10
In the spirit of the Christmas season, King of Glory has planned a special Sunday Surprise Christmas Cookie Potluck for Sunday, December 10, following the worship service.
Children’s Ministry Christmas Party
Families with children 0-5th grade are invited to attend the Children’s Ministry Christmas Party on Sunday, December 3, from 4-6:30 pm.
Dads and Donuts - October 21
The next “Dads and Donuts” event is scheduled for Saturday, October 21, from 8:30-10:30 am at King of Glory.
Blessing Baskets - October 30
Individuals are needed to help pack blessing baskets for Children's Home Shelter for Family Safety (formerly Children’s Inn). This serving opportunity will take place at King of Glory on Monday, October 30, from 6-7:30 pm.
Hospitality Volunteer Meeting - October 22
There is a special Sunday Hospitality Volunteer Meeting scheduled for Sunday, October 22, at 8 am in the large classroom.
Thursday Evening Childcare Begins
Do you need some time to be refreshed? Would you like to connect with someone new? Then you're in luck. King of Glory's Evening Childcare will be starting again in October.
Evening Childcare Staff Openings
King of Glory has an awesome opportunity for anyone who is looking for part-time work from October thru May. We are looking to hire some individuals (16 years of age or older) who are interested in assisting with King of Glory's Thursday Evening Childcare Outreach program.