Valentine’s Date Night - February 15

All King of Glory families with children aged 0-fifth grade are invited to participate in the Children’s Ministry Valentine’s Date Night on Saturday, February 15, from 5-8 pm at King of Glory.

This special event is designed to offer encouragement and support for our families, letting them know how much KOG values its families and marriage. Couples can take advantage of some time for themselves by going out to dinner, going grocery shopping, or enjoying an activity with other couples.

Childcare will be provided by the Student Ministry students, adult leaders, and other adults. Children will be fed a meal. There will also be numerous activities, including open gym, board games, and craft projects.

Interested families are asked to complete the sign-up form below. The deadline to sign up is Monday, February 10.

Valentine’s Date Night Child Care Sign-Up Form


King’s Kids Family Skating - February 19


Annual Meeting - January 26